Only local limited liability companies are accepted by Curinde.
Yes. Forming a new separate company is not required. Businesses and limited liability companies that wish to expand or relocate to the Industrial Park Brievengat are permitted.
A completely filled out application form must be submitted. This can be found on the Curinde Download page. The application form must be accompanied by bank and commercial references and will be processed within 24 hours. Upon verifying the requested information, a quotation for the ideal location for your business will be sent to you. Once you have approved this quotation, a rental agreement will be signed.
Curinde signs a one-year extendable contract, depending on the type of business or activity you wish to establish. However, short lease rentals are considered for existing tenants and those seeking locations for a limited time period.
No. The E-zone law (regulating the free economic zones) is not applicable to the Industrial Park Brievengat. Companies operating at the Industrial Park Brievengat are not required to export their goods.
The government may grant a number of incentives such as exemptions from import duties and a 2% tax on realized profits. Please contact us for further assistance.
Each unit is 30 meters by 15 meters with a floor-to-ceiling height of 5.5m. Considering the dimensions of a 40’ general purpose container; length-12m, width-2.4m and a height-2.6m, it can be deducted that each unit can accommodate at least 10 containers.
No. Businesses may operate 24/7. In addition, the park is patrolled by private security 24 hours a day.
Yes. if Curinde's multi-purpose buildings are not suitable for a specific operation, a lot can be offered.
Requirements will be evaluated on a case by case basis with the criterias being: type of activity, space needed, and a feasibility study.
All construction plans need to be approved by Curinde. Each unit serves multi-purposes with flexibility to build a variety of compartments, office spaces and mezzanines.
No. Curinde's assistance is free of charge.
Interested visitors may contact Curinde. Our experts will gladly give you a tour of the park and get you a better view of the units.